
Kubernetes Mysteries Slowness: Why Java Application Bootstrap Lagging


Sometimes when containers running from the same image show different starting time in different Kubernetes cluster, we would normally first compare the different resources in the clusters like node instance type, node AMI, CPU/Memory/Disk/Networking performance, Kubernetes version, third-party integration etc. However, some factors may not be that intuitive in this kind of use case in Kubernetes. This article demonstrate a situation that same spring container shows different starting time in two different EKS cluster while there was no resources performance issue.


We observed that a same Java spring container always has higher starting time in cluster A while it is constantly faster starting time in cluster B:

  • Java spring container start time in cluster A:
2023-12-18 18:30:57.200 INFO 83 --- [ main] com.example.demo.Application : Started Application in 3.182 seconds (JVM running for 3.793)
  • Java spring container start time in cluster B:
2023-12-18 19:30:53.800 INFO 83 --- [ main] com.example.demo.Application : Started Application in 4.597 seconds (JVM running for 5.334)

After we went through and checked the resources difference between these two cluster like node type, node number, CPU/Memory/Disk/Networking performance etc, Kubernetes version etc, there is no much difference would cause this significant difference for application start time. A only known difference is that the cluster A is the main production cluster.


Starting the container manually

In a further troubleshooting, we observed that if we run the container manually on the node in cluster A, the long start time issue won’t exist and the start time is almost the same as running in cluster B. In this way, we can assert that some kind of Kubernetes mechanism should cause this high application start time issue.

Number of service environment variables

After digging into the container, we observed that there were more ENV variable in the pod running in cluster A and these ENV variable are of the information of Kubernetes service in cluster A. As described in the Kubernetes document:1

When a Pod is run on a Node, the kubelet adds a set of environment variables for each active Service. It adds {SVCNAME}_SERVICE_HOST and {SVCNAME}_SERVICE_PORT variables, where the Service name is upper-cased and dashes are converted to underscores. For example, the Service redis-primary which exposes TCP port 6379 and has been allocated cluster IP address, produces the following environment variables:


To determine if the environment variable number is the factor, I decided to increase the service number in a test cluster and see if the spring container start time will increase or not. Here is my test result:

Clusterversionnode typenode numberpod numberservice numberenv numberinit timecomments
large1.23c5.2xlarge505010000 pod crash$ kubectl get pods
java-app-74687d4c7d-28bfj 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 6 (102s ago) 8m36s
java-app-74687d4c7d-2bwwk 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 6 (99s ago) 8m36s

$ kubectl logs java-app-74687d4c7d-zzn44
standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: argument list too long
large1.23c6i.8xlarge505010000 pod crash
(standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: argument list too long)
memory: 8Gi
cpu: 4
memory: 8Gi
cpu: 4
large1.23c6i.8xlarge505010000 pod crash
(standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: argument list too long)
memory: 16Gi
cpu: 8
memory: 16Gi
cpu: 8
large1.23c5.2xlarge505010000 2.85set enableServiceLinks as false in the pod spec

Here we can see the spring container start time did increase as the environment number increase. At certain point, the pod would crash with the logs (standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: argument list too long).


Based on the error message (standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: argument list too long), I did find some existing issue discussing the high Kubernetes service environment variable causing their pods crash2 3. I also found a flag enableServiceLinks which can disable the injection of Kubernetes service environment variables into the pods.4 :

      enableServiceLinks: false
        - name: java-app
          image: java

Here we can see even with 10000 service in my test cluster, the pod can still run successfully and the starting time was not that high anymore:

Clusterversionnode typenode numberpod numberservice numberenv numberinit timecomments
large1.23c5.2xlarge505010000 2.85set enableServiceLinks as false in the pod spec

From the Kubernetes documents we read that it is recommended to disabled the Kubernetes service environment if the environment variables are not desired or if the environment variable cause problem like what we observed:5

If the service environment variables are not desired (because possible clashing with expected program ones, too many variables to process, only using DNS, etc) you can disable this mode by setting the enableServiceLinks flag to false on the pod spec.

In the EKS best practice6 it also wrote the upper limit is 5000 services per namespace:

When a Pod runs on a Node, the kubelet adds a set of environment variables for each active Service. Linux processes have a maximum size for their environment which can be reached if you have too many services in your namespace. The number of services per namespace should not exceed 5,000. After this, the number of service environment variables outgrows shell limits, causing Pods to crash on startup.

In an awesome talk “Kubernetes Scalability: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis”7 , the speaker further explained and described the scalability limitation in the dimension of number of service in a namespace:

The limit on the x-axis of 5,000 services per namespace and the reason for this is that in Kubernetes whenever you create a pod in a namespace as part of the downstream API you populate the pod with a bunch of environmental variables for every single service that has been created in that namespace and when you go beyond a threshold which is 5,000 the part starts to crash because the kernel cannot load the process into memory because there’s just not enough space in the buffer for the process which holds environment variables.


We can see that the Kubernetes injected the service environment variable is a expected behaviour. When the service number per namespace exceed 5000, it may impact the process performance and even cause the pod crash. This behaviour can be disabled by setting enableServiceLinks as false if the service discovery via environment variable is not required.


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